Recruitment of New Group Leaders – Wellcome Trust Centre, Manchester, UK

The Wellcome Trust Centre (www.wellcome-­, in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester, is internationally renowned for cell-­matrix biology in health and disease.

We seek to recruit new and established leaders with interests across the broad scope of all our theme areas (below), who will help shape the future direction of the Centre.


This is an outstanding opportunity for leading researchers with interests in cell-­matrix  biology. Successful candidates will be expected to attract significant Wellcome Trust support.

Brochure Wellcome Trust Centre 2014 : [button link= » » icon= »download-alt » color= »#0858cf » size= »medium »] PDF [/button] This announcement : [button link= » » icon= »download-alt » color= »#0858cf » size= »medium »] PDF [/button]

For further details, please contact:

Cay Kielty
Interim Director
+44 161 275 57399