EEM2024 abstract submission extended

The deadline for abstract submission for the 12th European Elastin Meeting (Reims, France, 28-31 October 2024) is now August 30th.

For details on the preliminary program, conference information, registration, and abstract submission forms, please visit

If you have a question, contact us at
Hoping to welcome you in autumn,
Prof. Laurent DEBELLE
Chair of EEM2024

12th European Elastin Meeting

Dear colleagues,
The registrations for the 12th European Elastin Meeting (Reims, France, 28-31 October 2024) are now opened.
Please visit our site regularly for updates and additional informations.
If you have a question, contact us at
Hoping to welcome you in autumn,
Prof. Laurent DEBELLE
Chair of EEM2024

MBE2024 – Septembrer 24-27, Lyon, France – Registration now open!

Dear Colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce that the « early bird » registration is now open for the upcoming Matrix Biology Europe 2024 (MBE2024) conference, taking place in the beautiful and charming city of Lyon, France, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon from September 24-27, 2024. With a history of drawing over 400-500 matrix scientists, MBE meetings have established themselves as a unique space for showcasing your work and engaging with a highly qualified scientific community.

MBE2024 aims to serve as the international stage for significant discoveries and new concepts in the field of extracellular matrix research. It provides a platform for future research endeavors, featuring 23 invited speakers. The conference will bring together scientists from academia, medicine, and industry to discuss all facets of extracellular matrix research.

  • ECM Biosynthesis, Dynamics & Epigenetics
  • ECM Targeting and Signaling in Homeostasis and Cancer
  • ECM-related Inherited Diseases
  • ECM in Inflammation & Immunity
  • Stem Cell Niche & Tissue Regeneration
  • ECM Ageing
  • ECM in Morphogenesis
  • ECM in Tissue Repair and Engineering
  • ECM Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
  • Tissue remodeling and fibrosis

As a unique addition to the traditional MBE program, MBE2024 will kick off with a half-day satellite meeting Youth@MBE2024 (September 24, morning), exclusively organized by and for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. We strongly encourage students and post-docs to attend, as this meeting promises to significantly contribute to expanding their professional network.

You are thus cordially invited to join the meeting and encourage your team members and colleagues to submit abstracts for short talks or posters. We have planned ample space for short talks, long poster sessions, and several breaks, considering them an integral part of the meeting. Additionally, we are introducing an ECM Breakthrough session that exclusively features talks on the latest findings.

For details on the preliminary program, conference information, registration, and abstract submission forms, please visit:

Looking forward to your participation!

The Organizing Committees

If ECM is your favorite field, look no further than the MBE2024!

If you are a newcomer in the field, look no further than the MBE 2024!

                     #MBE2024 –

2nd Extracellular Matrix Pharmacology Congress (#ECM2024) on June 17-19, 2024, in Copenhagen, Denmark!

ECM2024 will address a wide range of topics within the ECM field, including pharmacology, clinical, and basic science. Shape the scientific program and help ensure that the most relevant spectrum of topics is presented at the congress.

Submit your abstract by March 4, 2024. Register before the early bird deadline on April 15, 2024.

Learn more at:

We hope to see you at ECM2024!

Morten Karsdal
Organizing Committee Chair

Research Associate Position in the Development of Bioactive Peptides, Manchester

Applications are invited for a PDRA position in Prof. Mike Sherratt’s laboratory at the University of Manchester, UK. The project aims to both identify new peptides with potential therapeutic activity and to understand the fundamental role(s) played by ECM-derived peptides in mediating cell behaviour. The closing date for applications is the 1st February and additional information can be found here []

Appel à candidature Bourses pour le congrès SFBMEc 2023 à Strasbourg

La Société Française de Biologie de la Matrice Extracellulaire lance un appel à candidature pour trois bourses de 350€ de participation au prochain congrès de notre société qui aura lieu à Strasbourg les 16 et 17 Novembre afin de permettre à un.e jeune d’y présenter ses travaux.

Les dossiers doivent être envoyés par courrier électronique sous la forme d’un document unique sous format .pdf à l’adresse suivante : Plus d’informations sur leur contenu ici : bourses SFBMec2023

La date limite d’envoi des dossiers est fixée au lundi 31 Juillet 2023.

A PhD student position between Strasbourg (France) and Freiburg (Germany)

A PhD student position is available in co-direction between Strasbourg (France) and Freiburg (Germany), funded for 3 years : “Involvement of bone marrow endothelial cell mechanosensitive channels on megakaryocyte transendothelial passage”.

Interested candidates should apply as soon as possible but date of arrival is open to discussion.

For more information : Open PhD position 2023_RP_CL

Engineer in Cell Biology and Skin Engineering – CEA Grenoble

We are looking for an engineer in cell biology and skin engineering to join our BIOMICS research team, a multidisciplinary team at CEA Grenoble, specialised in tissue engineering and the production of organoids and organs on a chip for the modelling of major human pathologies (cancers, diabetes, inflammation, etc.). The successful candidate will work on a research project in close collaboration with a dermo-cosmetic industrial to study the effect of the exposome on the functionality of human epidermal stem cells. He/she will (1) manage the extraction and culture of skin cells, (2) develop protocols for exposing the cells to several physical and chemical agents, (3) study the functionality of the stem cells after exposure to oxidative stress agents, and (4) report on the results.

For more information: Engineer position -Walid-VF

ASMB Image Contest

Back by popular demand, ASMB is launching a new season of the image contest! We encourage you to submit an image for display on the ASMB website banner, newsletter and twitter feed.

ASMB welcomes matrix-centric images for the contest, including cells and tissues interacting with the extracellular matrix. Images should not infringe copyright and should not have been previously published. Only one contest entry is permitted per ASMB or ISMB member.

Top winners will receive:
*Image featured on the ASMB website and social media
*Invitation to present the science behind the image in an e-Symposium
*Discount registration for a future ASMB workshop or meeting

Deadline to enter is February 24th, 2022.

For complete details on the contest and how to enter, visit the ASMB website.

Postdoctoral Research Position Paris

Postdoctoral fellow – Emergence 2023 CNRS-INC project

ASTER : AnaSTomosis in Engineered netwoRks

A postdoc position (18 months) is available from April 1, 2023 at Laboratoire PASTEUR and CIRB, Paris.

For more details on this position click PostDoc_CNRS-INC_project and information requests and applications should be sent to Carole Aimé ( and Laurent Muller ( by January 31st, 2023.
The files should include a CV, a summary of doctoral thesis, a letter of motivation and a list of publications.


Postdoctoral Research Position Nice

A 3-year postdoctoral position, funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) is available in the MATOs team (UMRE4320 TIRO-MATOs) at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice.

The aim of the ANR BioCUBK (Biochemical Cycle of Uranium in Bone and Kidney) project is to decipher the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in response to lowdose U exposure in kidney and bone. Using an interdisciplinary strategy, we propose to characterize: i) the fate and behavior of U in different kidney and bone study models of increasing complexity (2D cell culture, biomimetic bone matrices for 3D culture, kidney organoids, and mice chronically exposed to U), and ii) the cellular pathways impacted in these two organs.

For more details on this position click Proposal for postdoctoral position and information requests and applications should be sent to Sabine Santucci, coordinator of the BioCUBK
project ( Candidates can send a cover letter, a detailed CV as well as contact informations of two or more referees.

Postdoctoral Research Position Strasbourg

To determine the molecular and functional characteristics of TenascinC matrix niches during tumor immune evolution

A postdoc position (18 months plus opportunity for renewal) is available in the Tumor Microenvironment group of Gertraud Orend (INSERM U1109, Strasbourg) to investigate the tumor microenvironment at cellular and molecular level. The Orend laboratory ( is specialized in the analysis of the tumor microenvironment with particular emphasis on the extracellular matrix molecule tenascinC (Yilmaz et al., 2022, J Cell Sci, Midwood et al., 2016, J Cell Sci) in tumor angiogenesis (Saupe et al., 2013, Cell Reports, Rupp et al., 2016, Cell Reports), metastasis (Sun et al., 2018, Cancer Res, Sun et al., 2019, Matrix Bio) and tumor immunity (Murdamoothoo et al., 2021, EMBO Mol Med, Spenle et al., 2020, Cancer Immun Res Deligne et al., 2020, Cancer Immun Res,).

We offer: a highly dynamic and supportive group of colleagues including researchers, postdocs, and PhD students and technical support with expertise in extracellular matrix research, murine tumor models and tumor immunity. The salary remuneration follows INSERM guidelines taking into account previous experience.

We search: a highly motivated scientist with background in tumor biology, mouse tumor models, immunology, cell culture and biochemistry, high team spirit and good English communication skills. The candidate will map the tenascinC regulated matriximmune landscape in its temporal and spatial context in an interdisciplinary consortium of 6 experts in cell and cancer biology, proteomics, transcriptomics, genomics, molecular interactomics analysis and cancer pathology. The aim of this project is to generate novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools to improve cancer treatment.

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV together with a motivation letter and the names of three referees to Gertraud Orend (

PhD student position in Extracellular Matrix & Wound Healing Biology

A 3-years PhD student position is available in the lab of Patricia Rousselle in the Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering Department of the Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP), Lyon, France. The topics of research developed will focus on: i) Analysis of the organization of the three-dimensional extracellular matrix network during skin repair, ii) modulation of the inflammatory response by different therapeutic approaches in animal models. The LBTI ( is well equipped for cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry and belongs to a larger campus (SFR BioSciences Gerland – Lyon Sud (US8 / UMS3444,, giving access to state-of-the-art core facilities in areas ranging from animal models to protein science such as animal facilities, bioimaging, biomolecular analysis, proteomics, structural biology and production and analysis of proteins. Working languages of the laboratory are English and French.

For more details and application : HERE

Dead line for applications: November 10, 2022.

Postdoctoral Research Position (Strasbourg)

A postdoctoral position is available in Strasbourg (France) at INSERM UMR_S1255, initially funded for 1824 months and will be extended depending on funding.

Development of a bone marrow microvesselonchip to decipher the dialogue between megakaryocytes and endothelial cells that governs platelet formation”.

For more details and application : HERE

Contact: Catherine Léon,, UMR_S1255 INSERM, Strasbourg, France

Poste d’ATER en physiologie à la Faculté de Pharmacie de Limoges

Date limite de candidature : 23 septembre 2022

Fiche de poste disponible ICI

Profil enseignement :

L’ATER devra réaliser des enseignements de physiologie (Pharmacie) :
en 2ème année (notamment, introduction générale à la physiologie, physiologie rénale,
respiratoire et du système nerveux),

en 3ème année (notamment, neurophysiologie, douleur) et

en 4ème année (notamment, physiologie respiratoire et rénale).

Des TDs (physiologie respiratoire, électrocardiogramme, conduction nerveuse) utilisant du matériel et des logiciels développés par l’entreprise ADInstruments (avec un apprentissage actif des étudiants exploitant une technologie évolutive basée sur le cloud) seront réalisés.
Il interviendra également en Licences Accès Santé (LAS) 1ère et 2ème année. Ces enseignements concerneront l’ensemble de la physiologie. Des aspects de physiopathologie seront également abordés.
Des cours de Physiologie spécifiques pour les étudiants de Pharmacie qui préparent l’internat sont également dispensés. Il interviendra dans le DU « Pharmacien orthopédiste orthésiste ».

Profil recherche :

L’ATER devra notamment s’impliquer dans un projet (NanoCur) soutenu par l’Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFMTéléthon). Ce projet concerne la curcumine qui a montré des effets bénéfiques dans différents modèles de neuropathies périphériques. Cependant, la curcumine a un mauvais profil pharmacocinétique, ce qui limite considérablement son utilisation thérapeutique. Récemment, nous avons montré que l’administration de curcumine liée à un vecteur nanoparticulaire améliore considérablement sa biodisponibilité et réduit significativement les déficits observés chez des rats transgéniques reproduisant la physiopathologie de la maladie de CharcotMarieTooth de type 1A (CMT1A), principale neuropathie périphérique héréditaire. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est de confirmer l’efficacité de cette formulation nanoparticulaire de curcumine dans le traitement de la maladie CMT1A et de montrer son intérêt dans d’autres types de neuropathie périphérique.

Offre de thèse : Université de Reims – MEDyC (UMR CNRS/URCA 7369)




Sujet de thèse :

Impact de la carbamylation du collagène sur la modulation phénotypique des cellules musculaires lisses : rôle dans le développement de pathologies cardiovasculaires (Projet CARBAVASC)

Thématique de l’équipe « Vieillissement matriciel et remodelage vasculaire » :

Notre équipe s’intéresse aux processus de vieillissement des protéines matricielles vasculaires (en particulier collagène et élastine) dans le cadre de différentes maladies chroniques (diabète, insuffisance rénale chronique) et plus particulièrement à l’impact des modifications post-traductionnelles non enzymatiques (comme glycation et carbamylation) sur les propriétés structurales et fonctionnelles des protéines matricielles.

Tous les détails dans la fiche d’informations : Offre de thèse CARBAVASC MEDyC 2022-2025 Reims

Les candidatures devront être effectuées via le site de l’école doctorale « Sciences Fondamentales – Santé » de l’URCA : jusqu’au 22 juin 2022.

Appel à candidature Prix Dick Heinegård

La Société Française de Biologie de la Matrice Extracellulaire lance un appel à candidature pour la sélection du candidat au prix Dick Heinegård MBE. Ce prix récompensera un jeune chercheur européen lors du congrès MBE2022 à Florence en Septembre. Un représentant de chaque pays présentera ses travaux au cours d’une session dédiée, le jeudi 29 Septembre. Le lauréat sera sélectionné par un comité international à l’issu de cette session.

A cette occasion, la SFBMEc apportera un soutien de 500 € à la participation du candidat au congrès MBE2022.

La date limite d’envoi des dossiers est fixée au Vendredi 24 Juin 2022.

Tous les détails dans la fiche d’informations disponible ICI

La SFBMEc lance son 2ème Appel d’Offre auprès de doctorants et post-doctorants pour le financement d’un congrès sur la Matrice en 2022

Date limite repoussée au 15 mai 2022

Appel à candidature pour 4 bourses, d’un montant de 500 €, de participation à un congrès ayant pour thème la matrice extracellulaire.

Ces bourses sont réservées aux et à jour de leur cotisation à la SFBMEc. (téléchargeable sur ce lien – 20€ pour les et 50 € pour les

Deux bourses seront attribuées à de jeunes chercheurs souhaitant présenter leurs travaux au prochain congrès Européen de la matrice extracellulaire (MBE2022) qui aura lieu à Florence du 28 au 30 Septembre 2022.

Une autre bourse sera attribuée à un.e candidat.e souhaitant participer au prochain congrès de la Société Européenne de Réparation Tissulaire (ETRS 2022) qui se déroulera à Lyon du 15 au 17 septembre 2022.

La quatrième bourse est ouverte à tout autre congrès relevant du domaine de la matrice

Tous les détails dans la fiche d’informations disponible ICI

Offre de thèse – CY Cergy Paris Université – ERRMECe EA 1391

Transferts de traces biologiques : Développement de modèles in vitro, caractérisation et qualification à des fins d’identification génétique en sécurité criminalistique.

Le doctorat sera réalisé en coencadrement entre le groupe Mec’up de l’équipe de Recherche sur les relations matrice extracellulairecellules (ERRMECe) et l’Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale (IRCGN).

L’objectif est de caractériser, dans des modèles in vitro de traces biologiques précédemment développés et qui seront progressivement complexifiés, les transferts de traces ainsi que leur dynamique et persistance dans le temps afin d’optimiser les paramètres liés à la détection et à l’analyse rapide de ces traces biologiques.

Tous les détails dans la fiche d’informations : Offre Doctorat_GendTracing ERRMECe-PJGN

Soutenance d’HDR de Johanne LEROY-DUDAL


Laboratoire ERRMECe EA 1391 (Gpe MEC-uP)
CY Cergy Paris Université.

La soutenance d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de Mme Johanne LEROY-DUDAL intitulée « Interactions cellules – microenvironnement : de la physiopathologie à « l’ingénierie » des matrices extracellulaires« , s’est tenue en hybride le mardi 22.02.2022, à l’auditorium de la Maison Internationale de la Recherche, site de Neuville devant le jury suivant :

  • Mme Nathalie THERET (Rapporteure) – Directrice de Recherche INSERM – Université de Rennes I
  • Mme Magali DEMOOR (Rapporteure) – Maître de Conférences HDR- Université Caen Normandie
  • M. Ulrich VALCOURT (Rapporteur) – Professeur des Universités – Université de Lyon I, Président du Jury.
  • Mme Laure GIBOT (Examinatrice) – Chargée de Recherche CNRS – Université de Toulouse III
  • M. Hugues BERRY (Examinateur) – Directeur de Recherche INRIA – Lyon I
  • M. Olivier GALLET (Garant  HDR) – Professeur des Universités – CY Cergy Paris Université

Post-doctoral position in Nice

To study the tumor matrix environment :

Translating structural features into function


Applications are invited for a 2-year 3iA Côte d’Azur postdoctoral position in tumor/ECM biology to study functional and structural features of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the immunosuppressive microenvironment of head and neck cancer.

More information in this link: PostDoc Extracellular Matrix Landscape_Nice2022

Post-doctoral position at CRCM, Marseille

This interdisciplinary research project is based on mouse genetics, single-cell level transcriptomics, human omics data integration, bioinformatics, histology and spectral analysis in cytometry. The research takes place in close collaboration with clinicians of Institut Paoli-Calmettes, the cancer hospital of Marseille.

The project will be developed in the teams of Jean-Paul Borg ( Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille) and Flavio Maina (Institute of Biology and Development of Marseille) in outstanding research institutes located in the beautiful city of Marseille. The labs benefit from the close collaboration between teams and clinicians of Institut Paoli-Calmettes and have access to biological resources, and cutting edge facilities in
proteomics, genetics, flow cytometry, preclinics, cell imaging, and organoids.

More information in this link: PostDoc_BreastCancer Project 2022

Poste ingénieur d’étude, CDD CNRS, Nice

Laboratoire de physiomédicine moléculaire, équipe ostéoimmunologie, niches et

Nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) d’étude motivé(e), avec une excellente formation technique (type BTS, DUT, licence professionnelle) en biologie cellulaire et/ou immunologie, intéressé(e) par l’ostéoimmunologie, pour travailler sur la diversité des ostéoclastes.

Deadline pour postuler: 15 Mars 2022
Début du contrat: Avril 2022
Contrat d’un an, renouvelable
Salaire mensuel brut : de 2130 € à 2396 € selon l’expérience

Plus d’informations : Poste Ingénieur d’étude CDD, Nice

Postdoctoral position in osteoimmunology in Nice, France

Laboratory of molecular physiomedicine, team osteoimmunology, niches and inflammation

We are seeking a highly motivated and talented senior postdoctoral researcher interested in osteoimmunology to join our team and work on osteoclast diversity.
We will pay special attention to candidates willing to develop their career in France and to apply for a permanent researcher position.

Deadline for application: March 15, 2022
Starting: the position is available as soon as possible, but this could be discussed

More information in this link : postdoc in osteoimmunology-Nice

Poste de MCU en Biochimie de l’Université Lyon 1, Matrice extracellulaire et régénération tissulaire

Un poste de MCU est ouvert dans l’équipe pédagogique de Biochimie de l’UFR Biosciences à lUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Le maitre de conférence sera rattaché au laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie thérapeutique (CNRS UMR 5305) pour renforcer les axes « biologie de la matrice extracellulaire  » et « réparation tissulaire physiologique et/ou pathologique » (hors cancer). Le/la candidat.e recruté.e s’intégrera dans l’une des équipes de l’unité en apportant son expertise dans le domaine de la caractérisation des interactions moléculaires au sein de la matrice extracellulaire et/ou entre la matrice extracellulaire et les cellules, en utilisant des techniques de biologie moléculaire, biochimie, biophysique et protéomique et de biologie cellulaire. 

Contacts enseignement : Gouet, Patrice, Professeur,, et Mebarek, Saida, Maître de Conférences,,, coresponsables de l’équipe pédagogique de Biochimie
Contact recherche : SigaudoRoussel, Dominique, Directrice de Recherche,, tel, Directrice de l’UMR 5305

Plus d’informations dans la fiche jointe

Fiche profil MCF 2022 LBTI LYON

Recrutement d’un enseignant chercheur contractuel dans le cadre de la Chaire « Cosmétiques » de l’AgroParisTech 

La Chaire Cosmétiques a pour objectif de renforcer et de rendre plus visible les expertises présentes à l’AgroParisTech en matière de formation d’ingénieurs capables d’évoluer dans le secteur des industries cosmétiques. AgroParisTech souhaite recruter un enseignant chercheur/enseignante-chercheuse (EC) sur la thématique « Biologie de la peau et actifs cosmétiques », expert/e en biologie de la peau (mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans les fonctions cutanées ; modèles cellulaires d’évaluation (2D, en matrice complexe, modèles de peau reconstruite) et investi/e dans la recherche translationnelle en dermo-cosmétique.

Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 1er avril 2022.

Plus d’information dans la fiche de poste

ESB 2022

Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials which will take place from September 4 to 8, 2022 in Bordeaux, France. We are excited to host this meeting which is sure to be an extremely popular event.

One of the key missions of this conference is to promote interactions between basic researchers, applied scientists, clinicians, and industry in order to drive the development of innovative solutions for clinical applications. We keenly understand that the new solutions to repair or produce tissues or organs will come from the combination of fundamental knowledge, multidisciplinary development efforts, as well as advances in production /analytic / imaging / communication tools. Accordingly, your participation to this meeting is crucial to promote the translation of our scientific activity into clinical reality.

The conference will take place at Palais 2 L’Atlantique, located in northern Bordeaux and connected to the historic city center by a state-of-the-art tramway system. Boasting exceptional classical and modern architecture, and surrounded by the most famous vineyards in the world, Bordeaux is a perfect symbol of the French “Art of Living”.

Please come and join us at the ESB2022 meeting to share your ideas, discover our hospitality, the French cuisine and the Bordeaux wines!

On behalf of the national organizing committee :
Joëlle Amédée, Chair
Jean Christophe Fricain, Co-chair
Didier Letourneur, Co-chair

La SFBMEc propose une bourse de de 500 € pour qu’un.e jeune  dont le travail porte spécifiquement sur la matrice extracellulaire ou sur les interactions des cellules avec la matrice extracellulaire dans le contexte des biomatériaux et de la recherche translationnelle qui y est associée. Plus d’informations ICI

MCF en ingénierie tissulaire oro-faciale section 65/66 à UFR d’Odontologie de Montrouge



2ème cycle : enseignements fondamentaux de S1-S4 (biologie,histologie,embryologie,…). Mise en place d’un enseignement sur les nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques (régénération tissulaire, interaction cellule-environnement…). Investissement dans l’UE Recherche tronc commun du Parcours d’Initiation à la recherche.

Master recherche : Participation au Parcours d’Initiation à la Recherche (équivalent M1 pour étudiants santé) et développement d’une UMR autour de la thématique cellules souches/thérapie cellulaire/ingénierie tissulaire. Participation au master 2 DIR (Développement,Inflammation, Régénération) et responsabilité UE.

Département d’enseignement : Sciences Biologiques
Lieu(x)d’exercice : UFR Odontologie
Equipe pédagogique : Sciences Biologiques
Département méthodologie et ressources scientifiques
Nom directeur département : Seguier Sylvie
Email directeur dépt. :
URL dépt. :


Le laboratoire « Pathologies Imagerie et Biothérapies Oro-faciales » URP2496 étudie les processus physiopathologiques de la sphère orofaciale et la régénération des tissus qui la composent en développant des stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes basées sur l’utilisation de cellules stromales mésenchymateuses dentaires, d’anticorps ou de peptides matriciels dans un contexte de maladies chroniques ou rares et de défauts osseux.

Lieu(x)d’exercice:UFR Odontologie
Nom directeur labo : Pr Catherine Chaussain
Email directeur labo :
URL labo:

Pulsed Electric Fields Induce Extracellular Matrix Remodeling through Matrix Metalloproteinases Activation and Decreased Collagen Production

Sara Gouarderes, Camille Ober, Layal Doumard, Jany Dandurand, Patricia Vicendo, Isabelle Fourquaux, Alexander Golberg, Valérie Samouillan, Laure Gibot

J Invest Dermatol 2021 Oct 21;S0022-202X(21)02352-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2021.09.025


Impairment of extracellular matrix remodeling is observed in the tumor microenvironment or fibrosis and results in excessive collagen production and/or decreased degradation by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Thanks to their local application and transient effects, physical stimuli appear as attractive tools to remodel the extracellular matrix. We assessed the potential of pulsed electric field technology, classically applied to drug delivery, to induce collagen remodeling at the tissue scale. A sophisticated in vitro tissue-engineered human dermal substitute was used to show that microsecond and millisecond pulsed electric fields induced (i) a rapid modulation (4 hours after electrostimulation) of mRNA genes composing the matrisome, particularly a downregulation of procollagens and extracellular matrix maturation enzymes such as transglutaminase 2 and lysyl oxidase like; (ii) a transient decrease in procollagens production and hydroxyproline tissue content within a week after electrostimulation; (iii) a long-lasting ROS-dependent overactivation of matrix metalloproteinases for at least 48 hours; and (iv) a downregulation of TGFβ1. These observations underpin that pulsed electric fields, a technology already approved for clinical use combined with anticancer agents, are particularly promising to provide local and effective treatment of abnormal extracellular matrix.

Lien vers l’article

ISMB Communications Group

ISMB has a completely new and redesigned website to promote its activities ( The ISMB Council now initiates the formation of an active, vibrant and inspiring communication team of ISMB-early career researchers to increase visibility and popularity of ISMB in the matrix biology field and beyond.

Join the online communication team and reshape the future of the ISMB in social media! Inquire for details or directly apply by sending an email with your contact details to

Soutenance de thèse de Sara Gouardères

Sara Gouardères – IMRCP CNRS UMR5623, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III

Soutiendra le 17 décembre 2021 sa thèse de doctorat, spécialité Chimie-Biologie-Santé, intitulée :

Réponses cellulaires et tissulaires de la peau humaine à l’application d’un champ électrique externe de type électroporation

Son travail de thèse a été dirigé par :
Laure Gibot (PhD, HDR, CR CNRS, IMRCP, Laboratoire des Interactions Moléculaires et Réactivité Chimique et Photochimique)

Les cellules cutanées sont naturellement électrosensibles, en raison de l’existence d’un potentiel électrique transépithélial endogène. L’application d’un champ électrique exogène pulsé (i.e électroporation) est utilisée en clinique humaine et vétérinaire pour le traitement local des cancers cutanés (électrochimiothérapie, ECT) et pour le transfert de gène (électrotransfert de gène, GET). L’hypothèse de ce projet de thèse est donc que le champ électrique seul, appliqué en ECT et en GET, peut affecter le comportement des cellules cutanées, moduler le remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire par les fibroblastes, promouvoir l’angiogenèse, et stimuler la migration et de la différenciation des kératinocytes. Ainsi, les objectifs de ce travail étaient de comprendre, visualiser et quantifier les réponses des cellules cutanées à la suite de l’application d’un champ électrique externe de type électroporation. Les études réalisées sur des cultures en 2D indiquent que l’électroporation directe des fibroblastes dermiques ne modifie ni leur prolifération ni leur migration. D’autre part, bien que les paramètres électriques appliqués assurent 100% d’électroperméabilisation réversible, une apoptose légère apparaît dans environ 30% de la population soumise aux champs électriques à l’intensité la plus élevée. Cette apoptose semble être la conséquence de la génération de stress mitochondrial. Fait intéressant, le sécrétome des cellules apoptotiques améliore significativement la migration de fibroblastes non exposés, vraisemblablement via une sécrétion accrue de facteurs de croissance des cellules exposées. Ensuite, un modèle de substitut dermique humain reconstruit par ingénierie tissulaire a été utilisé pour réaliser une analyse multi-échelle des processus électro-induits au niveau tissulaire. Nous avons démontré que le feuillet dermique est un modèle polarisé très riche en matrice extracellulaire endogène et que le haut degré de complexité de celle-ci en fait un modèle de choix pour l’étude du remodelage matriciel. Nos résultats montrent que les champs électriques de type électroporation induisent une modulation rapide des gènes associés au matrisome (c’est-à-dire les gènes codants des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire ou des protéines qui y sont associées), en particulier une régulation à la baisse des enzymes de maturation telles que la transglutaminase TG2 et la lysyl-oxydase like LOXL4. De plus, une diminution transitoire de la production du pro-collagène de type 1a1 et de la teneur en hydroxyproline dans le tissu a lieu dans la semaine suivant l’électroporation. Ce remodelage du collagène est principalement dépendant des MMPs en raison de leur suractivation ROS-dépendante. De plus, nos données démontrent que les champs de type électroporation régulent à la baisse le TGF-β (ARNm et protéine), un acteur clé de la fibrose pathologique. En outre, les fibroblastes dermiques électroporés sécrètent massivement des facteurs de croissances pro-angiogéniques tels que le FGFb, le VEGFA et le PDGFA. Le sécrétome de fibroblastes dermiques électroporés favorise ainsi la migration en 2D des cellules endothéliales non électroporés ainsi que la formation de réseaux vasculaires en 3D. En conclusion, ces travaux mettent en lumière la pertinence de l’utilisation de champs électriques pulsés comme stratégie de remodelage de l’environnement matriciel et vasculaire. Ces recherches présentent un fort potentiel translationnel car l’électroporation est déjà utilisée en clinique et des appareils validés sont disponibles, ce qui ouvre de nombreuses perspectives pour d’autres applications cliniques de cette technologie.

Contact pour obtenir le lien zoom:

Industrial postdoctoral grants – open call (MSCA actions)

We are searching for candidates interested in applying for a MSCA postdoctoral fellowship. These fellowships offer competitive salaries and are an excellent stepping stone to a career in industrial R&D and entrepreneurship.

At 4Dcell we develop simple tools for academic and pharmaceutical labs. We are currently interested in candidates wanting to work on cardiac, hepatic, cancer and immune 3D culture models, but we are very open to discussing ideas outside of this scope from talented candidates motivated by entrepreneurship. We are interested in candidates from all fields (biology, chemistry, mathematics, microelectronics, etc.)

To learn more, you can check our dedicated website.

Ph.D Project Offer: Modulation toolbox for Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) reflects changes in cell behaviour essential for development, and physiopathological processes. The environment induces variability in cells shape and molecular markers of the EMT. Hence, there is a relevance of population cellular heterogeneity during EMT. State-of-the-art mostly reflects the impact of the microenvironment at the population scale. The questions remains: How does the microenvironment alter cell heterogeneity during EMT ? ̈

Our projects are focused to design dynamic perturbations of microenvironment-cell interactions.

We use an atypical model ovarian cancer cell lines to study cell microenvironment interactions. We will lift 3 main limitations hindering study of cellular heterogeneity relationship with microenvironment: measure population cell heterogeneity quantitatively, control the microenvironment, modulate cell microenvironment interactions. The funded project (Modulo-EMT) provides an original multidisciplinary toolbox to study heterogeneity and allow to predict cell heterogeneity depending on the microenvironment for tissue engineering or develop new drug treatments.

The Ph.D student will design innovative tools to measure, modulate and track EMT in tailored matrix proteins microenvironment. Candidate will be recruited in the MEC-uP T eam ( for a period of 3 years in ERRMECe lab ( cellule).

Applicants should feel confortable with interdisciplinary science : cell biology/biochemistry experimental work and quantitative image analysis using custom software. Prior Knowledge in coding is a plus.

Candidate should have good scientific english written and spoken skills and self-motivated to work in multidisciplinary teams.

Ph.D expected start date : October 2021/January 2022.
Duration : 3 years
Deadline to apply : 23rd August 2021
Please send a CV, motivation letter and references of previous supervisors to contact listed below
Contact : extracellulaire-cellule

References :
Dems, D., Rodrigues Da Silva, J., Hélary, C., Wien, F., Marchand, M., Debons, N., Muller, L., Chen, Y., Schanne-Klein, M.-C., Laberty-Robert, C., Krins, N., Aimé, C.* Native collagen: electrospinning of pure, cross-linker free self-supported membrane. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3, 2948-2957.

Le Conseil d’Administration de la SFBMEc a été renouvelé !

Les nouveaux membres sont :

Présidente : Florence RUGGIERO

Secrétaire général : Laurent MULLER
Trésorier : Ulrich VALCOURT
Chargée de communication : Patricia ALBANESE

Conseillers/conseillères : Stéphane BREZILLON, Laure GIBOT, Sabrina KELLOUCHE-GAILLARD, Carine LE GOFF, Pascal MAURICE, Emeline PERRIER-GROULT

Représentante des étudiant(e)s : Aubéri HENRY

Plus d’informations sur les nouveaux membres du Conseil d’Administration à retrouver prochainement… 

Poste d’Ingénieur d’étude en Culture Cellulaire

Champ scientifique principal : Biologie Cellulaire – Biotechnologie
Champs scientifiques secondaires : Santé, médecine humaine, vétérinaire
Mots clés : Réparation cutanée, Substances naturelles, évaluations in vitro
Fonction : Ingénieur d’étude, Recherche et Développement
Date limite de candidature : 1/07/2021
Lieu de travail : Reims, Grand Est – France


Les travaux seront menés dans le laboratoire CRNS/URCA 7369 (Matrice Extracellulaire et Dynamique Cellulaire, MEDyC) de l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Cette dernière unité de recherche, comptant actuellement un peu plus de 80 collaborateurs en incluant le personnel non permanent, est reconnue, à l’échelle internationale pour ses travaux sur la matrice extracellulaire dans le domaine du cancer (sein, colon, peau) et des pathologies vasculaires.

Poste et missions

Dans le cadre d’un projet financé par l’ANR (Programme Glycostil), nous recrutons un(e) ingénieur(e) d’étude (IgE) à l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Ce projet de recherche ANR transversal rassemble plusieurs unités d’envergure en Champagne Ardenne, EA4707/USC INRAE 1488 ( Résistance Induite et Bioprotection des Plantes) – UMR CNRS/URCA 7312 (institut de Chimie Moléculaire) – UMR CNRS-URCA 7369 (Matrice extracellulaire et Dynamique Cellulaire). Le/ la candidate sera rattaché(e) aux responsables du projet de l’Unité MEDyC (UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Campus Moulin de la Housse). L’IgE travaillera sur le projet d’évaluation in vitro (aspects toxicologiques et pharmacologiques) des effets de substances naturelles sur les cellules cutanées (fibroblastes, Kératinocyte, Adipocyte), ou sur peau reconstituée (âgée / jeune / avec ou sans mélanome). Un travail important sera consacré à l’efficacité thérapeutique en se focalisant sur les processus de survie (prolifération) et/ou de mort cellulaires (apoptose, nécrose).

  • Temps de travail : 100% soit 7.5 heures / jour
  • Durée du CDD : 18 mois (financement ANR)
  • Rémunération brute mensuelle chargée (comprenant charges patronales etcharges salariales) : environ 2800 euros ; net après impôt environ 1550 euros

Mobilité géographique : Pas de déplacement
Prise de fonction : 01/09/2021


Ingénieur ou titulaire d’un Bac+5 (diplôme de niveau Master II) dans les domaines de la biotechnologie et/ou des sciences biomédicales. La maîtrise de la culture cellulaire est indispensable (si possible des kératinocytes, fibroblastes et des adipocytes différenciés). La connaissance de la culture de peau reconstituée sera fortement appréciée. Le/la candidate devra également avoir une expérience dans les tests permettant d’évaluer les différents états physiologiques de la cellules (prolifération, nécrose, apoptose).

La maîtrise des outils informatiques et de l’anglais sera un plus.

Le (la) candidat devra avoir justifié d’une ou de plusieurs expériences fructueuses en laboratoire.

Qualités personnelles recherchées : rigueur, autonomie, esprit d’équipe et sens de l’organisation.


Le (la) candidate devra transmettre un CV, une lettre de motivation ainsi que deux lettres de recommandations.

Les dossiers devront être renvoyés aux personnes suivantes :
Dr Sébastien Blaise ( – Pr Laurent Martiny ( – Dr Béatrice Romier (

Joint Meeting of the French and German Societies for Matrix Biology

Du 26 Mai au 28 Mai 2021, l’inscription est gratuite, mais est obligatoire :

La date limite pour soumettre un résumé (en ligne exclusivement) est le 30 Avril 2021. Toutes les instructions sont sur le site :

Pour rappel, la SFBMEc récompensera l’excellence de travaux sur la matrice extracellulaire d’un/e jeune chercheur/se lors d’une session plénière Young Investigator Award de ce congrès. Date limite pour postuler : 20 Avril 2021

Appel Bourse de fin de thèse dans le domaine de l’athérosclérose/lipide/biologie vasculaire NSFA

La Nouvelle Société Francophone d’Athérosclérose, comme chaque année,  propose des financements de fin de thèse sous forme de CDD d’une durée allant de 3 à 12 mois maximum non-renouvelable. Les dossiers de candidature ainsi que le règlement sont consultables et téléchargeables sur le site de la NSFA:

Vous avez jusqu’au 01 juin pour envoyer votre dossier a l’adresse indiquée sur le site.

Attention, les dates d’auditions pour cette année ne sont pas encore fixées. Elles vous seront communiquées ultérieurement.

Le comité d’organisation

Offre de thèse : Étude des mécanismes d’assemblage du site actif de l’hydrogénase à [FeFe]

Une offre de thèse (CFR-CEA) est ouverte dans l’équipe Métalloprotéines de l’institut de Biologie Structurale à Grenoble (, pour travailler sur l’étude structural des mécanismes d’assemblage du site actif de l’hydrogénase à [FeFe].

Pour plus d’informations cliquez ICI

A doctoral position is available in the Metalloproteins Unit (MU) at the Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) in Grenoble – France ( group/) to work on the structural study of the the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site assembly machinery.

For more information click HERE



May 26 – 28, 2021

The French and the German Societies for Matrix Biology organise a joint and online scientific meeting free of charge from May 26 to May 28, 2021.

Numerous opportunities for early career and PhD student to present their work !

Information to come on the SFBMEc website.

Keep up to date and stay in the loop !!!

BMS Oxford fellowship in Matrix Biology

BMS Oxford Research Fellow
NDORMS, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford OX3 7FY
Grade 7: £32,817 – £40,322 p.a.

More information: BMS fellowship in Matrix Biology

CDD ingénieur de 18 mois à l’IBS, Grenoble

Le groupe SAGAG recrute un ingénieur de recherche, titulaire d’un doctorat, et possédant une bonne expérience en biochimie des protéines et des oligosaccharides pour étudier les enzymes de biosynthèse des héparanes sulfates.

Pour en savoir plus et postuler, rendez-vous sur le site :

ATER ENS de Lyon: poste à pourvoir au 1er septembre 2021

Un poste d’attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER) est ouvert au département de biologie de l’ENS de Lyon pour la campagne d’emploi 2021. Il s’agit d’un poste pour un an éventuellement renouvelable une fois, avec 192hTD de service d’enseignement.

Les profils d’enseignement et de recherche associés sont très ouverts: le/la candidat.e est appelé.e à rejoindre un des laboratoires de biologie de l’ENS de Lyon (CIRI, IGFL, LBMC, RDP) pour participer aux travaux de recherche de l’une de leurs équipes. Le/la candidat.e devra impérativement prendre contact avec le département d’enseignement d’une part et le laboratoire/l’équipe d’accueil qu’il souhaite rejoindre et proposer un projet de recherche établi en concertation avec l’équipe d’accueil.

Profil et instructions de candidature sur le site internet de l’ENS de Lyon:

Attention : date limite de candidature le 16 février 16h.

Full time post-doctoral position at the Centre Scientifique de Monaco

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow in coral cell biology to join the Coral Physiology team at CSM and participate in projects related to the biology of calcifying cells in tropical corals. Our goal is to look at coral calcification at the cellular level and more specifically 1) investigate the biology of  primary cilia in different tropical coral species and under different experimental conditions and 2) investigate the processes of endo/exocytosis in the model tropical coral Stylophora pistillata. Ultimately, we aim at understanding how these cellular processes are linked to the physiology of calcification in tropical corals.

Candidate profile:

  • PhD degree in  cell Biology or cell Physiology,
  • Experience in electron and confocal microscopy techniques,
  • Good knowledge of molecular and bioinformatics approaches,
  • Scientific background on primary cilia and/or exo/endocytosis processes and/or related aspects of cell biology/cell physiology,
  • A background in studying calcifying organisms is an advantage,
  • Ability and willingness to conduct laboratory work,
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English,
  • Ability to write publications for peer-reviewed scientific journals,
  • Ability to work independently and self-guided, but likewise within an interdisciplinary research team.

Initial appointment (ca. 2800 euros net + health insurance and pension) is for 12-months, with possibility of extension for a second year (subject to funding and performance). It will ideally start in March/April 2021. The position is supervised by Dr. Sylvie Tambutté (team leader), in collaboration with all team members.

Submission Documents:
Interested individuals are invited to submit an application package including :

  • a motivation letter explaining reasons for applying and how they meet the hiring criteria outlined above,
  • a research project of 1 to 2 pages including the description of the costs associated to the proposal (excluding the salary),
  • a CV,
  • a copy of PhD certificate,
  • name and address of at least two referees.

These application documents must be submitted as a single pdf to:
Sylvie Tambutté
Application Deadline: 28th February.
Note: application review will begin immediately.
The position will remain open until the position is filled.
Further information about the research focus of the Physiology team can be obtained at

Call for a chair position on Bioengineering and Tissue Engineering with a focus on bio- and 3D printing

Applications are open to specific fields. This call concern a position on Bioengineering and Tissue Engineering with a focus on bio- and 3D printing (Health Sciences and technologies department and College of Science and Technology). Please find more information in the document section.
This scheme aims to facilitate the recruitment of young lecturer-researchers on the basis of job profiles pre-identified by the institution in emerging and highly multidisciplinary disciplines or where there are strong international stakes. The scheme is part of a talent management policy shared with partner institutions, particularly research organizations. 
In this pre-recruitment chair system, the successful candidate will first be recruited on a fixed-term contract as a lecturer-researcher, during which his/her work will be monitored and evaluated according to the criteria defined during recruitment. The success of the evaluation could lead to a statutory lecturer-researcher position via the standard recruitment procedure (competitive procedure).
Candidates for the Chair are also encouraged to apply for other French and international funding that can be combined with the funding from the University of Bordeaux (ERC, ATIP-Avenir, ANR JCJC, etc….).
The chair will be funded for a period between three and five years maximum
The funding will cover the salary of the project leader for a maximum of 5 years.
Project-related costs (running costs, equipment and/or for the recruitment of staff dedicated to the project) may complete the Chair’s budget, within the framework of this program or within the framework of external funding (regional chair, Atip Avenir). Project related costs could be up to 200,000 euros on average for 5 years.


Closing date : 2021/02/22 at 12:00

More information :

Research Professor position: research on burn care at the CHUM Research Center Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal

Le Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) en lien avec la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal et le Centre d’expertise des victimes de brûlures graves de l’ouest du Québec désire recruter un professeur chercheur adjoint ou agrégé dans le domaine de la recherche sur les soins aux grands brûlés. Le ou la candidat(e) doit détenir les compétences et l’expérience des approches en recherche fondamentale sur les soins aux grands brûlés.

La description du poste est disponible aux liens suivants :
En français :
En anglais :

12 Early Stage Researcher Positions in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network SkinTERM – Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

We are recruiting 12 highly motivated and excellent early stage researchers (ESRs) for the Innovative Training Network “SkinTERM”, an EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funded project.

SkinTERM stands for Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine and aims to convert the normal mode of skin repair into skin regeneration by delivering excellently and multidisciplinary trained scientists able to take this research area to the next level. Today’s standard treatment of skin burns and large trauma is transplantation of autologous split-thickness skin. This carries a number of serious drawbacks, including pain, mobility-limiting contractures and disfiguring scars. SkinTERM aims to address wound healing in a completely different way, recapitulating regeneration rather than repair. Skin organogenesis will be induced by key elements taken from the extracellular matrix of foetal skin and the skin of species that exhibit no scarring in the regeneration process, and by employing (stem) cells from relevant cellular origins.

The project aims to create a new generation of entrepreneurial, multidisciplinary and intersectorially trained scientists with excellent career prospects in either academia, industry or government. Early stage researchers trained in this programme will be able to drive this research area further towards clinical translation in Europe.

More information on SkinTERM partners, individual ESR projects and application procedure can be found at


Please ensure that you fulfil the following eligibility criteria for ESR positions in H2020 MSCA-ITNs, as ineligible candidates cannot be considered:

  • The candidate must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (e.g. work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host institution of interest (see individual project descriptions) for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date.
  • The candidate must hold a Master’s degree, be in the first four years of his/her research career and not have a doctoral degree.

Furthermore, the candidate is expected to develop into an independent researcher and is:

  • A team player able to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary consortium.
  • Able to work independently and well-structured.
  • Proficient in written and spoken English.
  • Willing to move to the country of the host institution of interest and work for a prolonged. period abroad as part of the planned secondments (see individual project descriptions).


  • Enrolment in local PhD training programme
  • Extensive SkinTERM cross-sectorial training programme including soft skill development and specialist techniques
  • Contract of 36 months at one of the host institutions
  • Attractive salary including a living allowance, a mobility allowance and, if applicable, a family allowance as specified in the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Work Programme 2018-2020.

How to apply

Application deadline: Please send your application before December 21, 2020.

Application: Applications should be submitted via the APPLY link at the individual ESR position descriptions on You may apply for multiple ESR positions, but need to motivate for each position why you are interested in the particular position and what you can offer the project. Your application must include the following documents:

  • Motivation letter for the PhD position of interest
  • CV
  • Letters of recommendation (at least two)
  • Copies of diplomas, including grades

Note that ESR project 9  requires additional application for a Postgraduate Course at Durham University:

Note that ESR projects 10, 11 and 12 require additional application for the Life Science Zurich Graduate School of UZH:

Selection procedure: The first selection round will be an online interview with the representatives of the host institutions and of the secondments. The two best candidates will give a scientific presentation on a subject relevant for the ESR project. Candidates will be selected based on:

  • Outstanding academic ability
  • Requested skills and experience for the ESR project of interest
  • Motivation of the application for the ESR position of interest

Starting date: Successful applicants are expected to start on March 1, 2021.

Contact: For more information on the SkinTERM project and application procedure please contact Danique Hof MSc, project manager SkinTERM at

#THEmeshwork : réseau international de jeunes chercheurs dans le domaine de la matrice extracellulaire

Création un réseau international de jeunes chercheurs dans le domaine de la matrice extracellulaire appelé #THEmeshwork. Notre but est de favoriser l’interaction entre les jeunes chercheurs / étudiants / jeunes PIs et de les aider dans le développement de leur carrière.
Vous trouverez plus de détails concernant notre projet dans le flyer ci-dessous.

THEmeshwork team
Nuno Coelho
Julie Di Martino
Valerio Izzi
Tia Jones
Pauline Nauroy
Ines Velazquez Quesada
Chloé Yeung

Recherche des candidats en vue de la création d’un poste de Professeur des Universités en Biologie Cellulaire à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Le Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et Ingénierie thérapeutique (LBTI, UMR 5305 CNRS et Université Lyon 1; recherche des candidats en vue de la création d’un poste de Professeur des Universités en Biologie Cellulaire à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (section CNU 65). Le (la) candidat(e) devra avoir une solide expertise en Biologie Cellulaire, d’une manière générale, pour les enseignements en Licence, et particulièrement en Biologie Tissulaire, Interactions cellules-matrice extracellulaire, voire Mécanotransduction, pour des enseignements en Master. Le (la) candidat(e) renforcera l’axe « Réparation Tissulaire » de l’Unité et développera un projet en accord avec les thématiques développées par l’Unité, qui consiste à (1) comprendre les mécanismes fondamentaux de l’organisation d’un tissu, (2) comprendre et évaluer la capacité de réponse des tissus à différents types d’agressions extrinsèques et/ou intrinsèques et (3) proposer et tester des approches thérapeutiques innovantes dans le cadre de l’ingénierie tissulaire et de la médecine régénérative. Ainsi, une solide expertise dans l’étude des dialogues dynamiques cellule-cellule ou cellules-microenvironnements au cours des processus d’homéostasie et de réparation tissulaires est demandée.

Contact Recherche : Dominique SIGAUDO-ROUSSEL ( Contact Enseignement : Ulrich VALCOURT (

The Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering Laboratory (LBTI, UMR 5305 CNRS and Université Lyon 1; ) is looking for candidates for a Full Professor position in Cell Biology at the University of Lyon (CNU section 65). The candidate should have a strong expertise (1) in general Cell Biology, for the teaching in Bachelor’s degree, and (2) in Tissue Biology, Cell-extracellular Matrix Interactions and/or in Mechanotransduction, to give lectures in the Master program. The candidate will strengthen the “Tissue repair” axis of the LBTI Unit research and will develop a research project in accordance with the topics that are developed in the research unit :(1) understanding the fundamental mechanisms of tissue organization, (2) understanding and assessing tissue response(s) to different extrinsic and intrinsic insults, and (3) proposing and testing innovative therapeutic approaches in the context of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. A strong expertise in the study of dynamic cell-cell or cell-microenvironment cross-talks during homeostatis or tissue repair processes is required.

Research contact: Dominique SIGAUDO-ROUSSEL ( Teaching contact: Ulrich VALCOURT (


PhD student position in Tissue Repair & Wound Healing Biology

A 3-years PhD student position is available in the group of Patricia Rousselle in the Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering Unit at the Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP), Lyon. The topics of research developed will focus on: i) Analysis of the biological properties of a 3D-skin equivalent model, ii) mechanisms involved in skin repair upon treatment with matrix biomimetic- scaffolds in animal models. The LBTI ( is well equipped for cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry and belongs to a larger campus (SFR BioSciences Gerland – Lyon Sud (US8 / UMS3444,, giving access to state-of-the-art core facilities in areas ranging from animal models to protein science such as animal facilities, bioimaging, biomolecular analysis, proteomics, structural biology and production and analysis of proteins. Working languages of the laboratory are English and French.

We are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated individuals with a background in tissue and cell biology and Imaging techniques. Know-how in cell culture and microscopic techniques is recommended. Excellent adaptability to team-work in different environments and mobility is absolutely required.

Starting date: January, 2021 or earlier (to be discussed).

Please send your CV, names of referees and a short informal description of yourself as a single PDF file to:
Dead line for applications: September 7, 2020.

European Tissue Repair Society 2020

Le congrès annuel de l’European Tissue Repair Society se tiendra à Lyon du 17 au 19 Septembre 2020. Une pré-conférence pour les jeunes chercheurs se tiendra la veille du congrès.

De nombreuses bourses de voyage et prix seront attribués pour les jeunes chercheurs, dont un prix de la SFBMEc pour récompenser un travail en lien avec la Matrice Extracellulaire.

ISMB Calls for Distinguished Investigator Award Nominees and for New ISMB Council Members

ISMB announces the Opening of the Call for Nominations for the 2020 Distinguisher Investigator Award.

This Award is given by the International Society for Matrix Biology to an established researcher in recognition of important lifetime achievements in the field of Matrix Biology.

A list of the former winners is given at

The Awardee will give the ISMB Distinguished Investigator Lecture at the 2020 ASMB Biennial Conference, Nov. 8-11th 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri.

ISMB members are invited to send in their nominations for the Distinguished Investigator Awardee 2020. Please provide:

  1. A full curriculum vitae of the nominee, including a list of their publications.
  2. A letter of nomination that highlights key lifetime research achievements in the field of Matrix Biology.

These nominations will be voted on by the ISMB Council.

Please send nomination packs to the ISMB Secretary ( by 31stJan. 2020 at the latest.


Call for Nominations for New ISMB Council Members.

There are two vacancies to serve on the ISMB Council and we are calling for nominations or volunteers to fill these. If you wish to nominate someone, please make sure first that they agree to be nominated.

The vacancies are for:

1 regular ISMB Council member (from any region of the world) and

1 early-career Council member (from any region of the world).

The main responsibilities of regular Council members are to promote the Aims of ISMB in the international matrix biology community in general, and to take part in ISMB Council meetings by teleconference or in-person at conferences, to vote in the Awards processes, and to take part in nominations for Executive officers of Council. The ISMB statutes are available at

The early-career Council member will have involvement in the Communications sub-group and social media activities and in raising awareness of ISMB amongst early career researchers, and will take part in ISMB Council meetings by teleconference or in-person at conferences.

All Council members serve a 3 year term in the first instance, with the option of renewal for a further 3 years.

Please send names, contact details and biosketch of Council nominees to the ISMB Secretary, by 27th January 2020.

Soutenance d’HDR de Caroline REYNAUD

Caroline REYNAUD

Laboratoire LYOS INSERM UMR 1033 – Equipe 2 Bone, Cancers and Metastases – Université de Lyon

Rôle des Lysyl Oxydases dans la progression tumorale

Le Docteur Caroline REYNAUD a soutenu son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches le 19 novembre 2019 devant un jury composé de :

  • Pr Ulrich VALCOURT, président
  • Dr Catherine MONNOT, rapporteur
  • Pr Maxime LEHMANN, rapporteur
  • Pr Laurent DUCA, rapporteur
  • Dr Philippe CLEZARDIN, examinateur

Call for Nominations for 2020 Rupert Timpl Award


The International Society for Matrix Biology created in 2004 a prize dedicated to the memory of the outstanding matrix biologist, Rupert Timpl, who died on October 20th, 2003. The prize is called the « Rupert Timpl Award ».

The prize is awarded biannually at the occasion of the Matrix Biology Europe /FECTS meeting. It is given to a young matrix biologist at an early stage of their scientific career, in general below 40 years of age, who has published the « BEST PAPER IN THE FIELD OF MATRIX BIOLOGY » during the two years prior to the year of the MBE/FECTS meeting.

As an integral part of the programme, the laureate will give a plenary lecture, called the Rupert Timpl Lecture, at the 2020 MBE meeting to be held in Florence, Italy, 24-28 May, 2020.

A prize of EUR 2,000 will be given, which is generously sponsored by Elsevier, the publisher of Matrix Biology.


The nominations will be voted on by ISMB Council and the winner will be
announced in January 2020.

Eligibility: The nominee should be a young matrix biologist at an early stage of their scientific career, in general below 40 years of age, who has published the « BEST PAPER IN THE FIELD OF MATRIX BIOLOGY » during 2018 and 2019.

Please provide for your nomination:

A letter of support that includes a rationale for the nomination and the
specific paper published in 2018 or 2019 for consideration.

The nominee’s CV, with inclusion of a full list of publications.

With best wishes,

Jo Adams

ISMB Secretary.

PhD position : Targeting breast cancer metastasis – University of Liège (Belgium)

The Laboratory of Tumor and Developmental Biology, GIGA-Cancer, at the University of Liège (Belgium) has an opening for a PhD candidate on breast cancer resistance to targeted therapies (PI: Nor Eddine SOUNNI, team cancer and metabolism)

Topic: Targeting breast cancer metastasis

Project summary:

Despite advances in targeted therapies against HER2+, the presence of intrinsic and/or acquired resistance to anti-HER2 therapy remains an important challenge in breast cancer. In the triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), while it expresses high level of EGFR, anti-EGFR targeted therapies in combination with chemotherapies were generally unsatisfactory in clinical trials. This project is based on our recent paper (Foidart et al. 2019, Clinical Cancer Research) in which we demonstrated the clinical relevance of 3 molecules, EGFR, MT4-MMP and RB in TNBC and showed efficacy of targeting EGFR and CDK4/6 in 50% of TNBC expressing MT4-MMP, EGFR and RB. The new project aim is to understand mechanism(s) of MT4-MMP in breast cancer progression. We will investigate the repertoire of substrates of MT4-MMP by iTRAQ and MS analysis. We will validate the role of the target substrate and perform functional assays for evaluating their role in breast cancer proliferation and migration in vitro, and tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. Our ultimate goal is to propose new therapies for the untreatable TNBC and for therapy resistant HER2+ breast cancer.

Technically, the project involves cell culture, siRNAs, proliferation and migration assays, western blots and immunoprecipitations, and in vivo study using xenografts and PDX for tumor growth and metastasis.

The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and have a Master in Biomedical Sciences/Biology/Biochemistry.

The available funding is 4 years Télévie grant (F.R.S-FNRS) starting on October 1st 2019.

Interested candidates should send their résumé and application letter to Dr. Nor Eddine SOUNNI (

PhD student position in immunology, skin biology and extracellular matrix Department of Dermatology, University of Freiburg

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student interested in immunology and the extracellular matrix to join our dynamic and international team at the Department of Dermatology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Germany. The project will focus on delineating the role of the lymphoid extracellular matrix in maintenance of systemic and skin immune homeostasis. Genetic skin blistering diseases will be used as models. For the studies, analyses of patient-derived samples, ex vivo and in vivo models will be employed. Practical knowledge of cell culture, basic immunological and biochemical analyses is needed; FELASA B certification or equivalent is an advantage. The position is fully funded for four years and part of a collaborative research center on immunology.

To apply, please send motivation letter with CV and contact information of three references to PD. Dr. Dimitra Kiritsi and Dr. Alexander Nyström

We are looking forward to your application!

Application deadline: August 1st.
Starting date: September 1st
Funded by: DFG, German Research Foundation
Duration: 4 years

Contact: Dr. Alexander Nyström PD. Dr. Dimitra Kiritsi


Nyström A et al.,. 2018. Impaired lymphoid extracellular matrix impedes antibacterial immunity in epidermolysis bullosa..Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

Kühl T et al.,. 2016. Collagen VII Half-Life at the Dermal-Epidermal Junction Zone: Implications for Mechanisms and Therapy of Genodermatoses. J Invest Dermatol.

Föll MC et al., 2018. Identification of tissue damage, extracellular matrix remodeling and bacterial challenge as common mechanisms associated with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas..Matrix Biol

Spörrer M et al.,. 2019. Treatment of keratinocytes with 4-phenylbutyrate in epidermolysis bullosa: Lessons for therapies in keratin disorders. EBioMedicine.

The University of Manchester : PhD opportunities



The closing date is the 7th June.

Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biochemistry
Associate Lead for PEP Years 1 and 2
Division of Cell Matrix Biology and Regenerative Medicine
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health
The University of Manchester I Room 1.529, Stopford Building
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PT
Tel (+44) 161 275 1439

Offre de thèse sur les ostéocytes à Bordeaux

Rôle des ostéocytes dans la régénération osseuse assistée par les biomatériaux.

Voici une offre de thèse sur les ostéocytes à l’université de Bordeaux dans l’équipe Interfaces tissu hôte / produits d’ingénierie tissulaire de l’unité de recherche Bioingénierie tissulaire.
Attention, les candidats souhaitant postuler doivent s’inscrire au concours de l’école doctorale avant fin mai et être bien classés.
Pour tout renseignement, contacter Delphine Maurel :

Post-doctoral position : 3D Electrostimulable polymeric scaffolds for drug screening-applications

A two-year postdoctoral position is opening at the Institute of Materials (iMat) of the University Paris-Seine (Cergy-Pontoise). The project includes two labs of iMat: LPPI (Polymer chemistry) and ERRMECe (Biology)

In vivo, cells are surrounded by the extracellular matrix (ECM), a 3D-meshwork of macromolecules. A great variety of dynamic biochemical, biophysical, topographical and electrical clues emanates from ECM. They govern cell survival, differentiation and others behaviors, and subsequently physiopathological processes. Especially, the microenvironment modulates cell phenotype and could subsequently orient cells’ response to drug agents and targeted therapies[1]. To take into account this native 3D-environment in cell-based assays, various supports have been developed. They are classified as scaffold-free (like spheroids) or scaffold-based supports (hydrogels, porous/fibrous scaffold) and are made respectively from natural ECM-derived molecules or synthetic material[2]. Among common synthetic commercial scaffolds, there are microfabricated scaffolds and the widely described electrospun fiber mats. Poly(High Internal Phase Emulsion) (polyHIPEs) presenting interconnected porous structures, have been described also as really promising 3D templates [3,4] but are, up to now, only available at laboratory scale.

Despite their advantages in terms of robustness, reproducibility and tunability in comparison to natural ECM-derived materials, these synthetic scaffolds rarely incorporate ECM molecules, thus losing the “biochemical component” of cell microenvironment. Moreover, such scaffolds display limited and uncontrolled dynamic and often lack the combined regulatory inputs as porosity, elasticity, topography, or electrical clues from the ECM that all contribute to modulating cell survival and functions[5]. In this context, the emergence of electroactive materials is of critical interest to mimic the environment of demanding cells regarding mechanical, morphological or electrical stimulation. Such materials represent a fast growing field and rely on the coatings of 3D porous structures with conducting materials. For instance, graphene coating on silk fibroin fiber mats, providing electrical conduction, improved the differentiation of PC-12 cells into neural phenotypes[6]. Coating with a conducting polymer (polyaniline) on similar scaffolds allowed electrical stimulation and enhanced differentiation of myogenic (muscle) C2C12 cells[7]. In addition to simple electrical conduction, conducting polymers (CPs), as electroactive polymers, can also provide additional functions rarely described in this field. Indeed, they are also able to change shape/volume and/or mechanical properties when electrochemically oxidized or reduced. Actually, when CPs are stimulated using low potentials (~ 1V), exchanges (insertion/expulsion) of counter-ions with surrounding electrolyte takes place, leading to electrochemically controllable volume changes[8] thus, allowing both electrical and mechanical stimulations.

LPPI has described the first rubbery electroactive electrospun scaffolds based on elastomer (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) and polyethylene oxide (PEO) functionalized by a conducting polymer (poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)[9,10]. Not evaluated yet as electroactive cell culture scaffolds, they presented promising actuation and beating functionalities in the presence of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Preliminary data suggest their cytocompatibility. More recently conducting polymer coating has been used by Jager et al. to provide mechanical beating functionality to poly(lactic-co- glycolic acid) (PLGA) electrospun fibers and resulted in increased expression of cardiac markers of stem cells[11]. Nevertheless this unique example of mechanically active culture scaffolds displayed limited volume variations due to the high stiffness of PLGA fibers, highlighting the need of soft and rubbery 3D templates for efficient electroactive behavior. It is worth mentioning that polyHIPEs have never been functionalized by any electroactive material contrary to electrospun fiber mats.

In the frame of 3DEStim, we propose:

  • To develop 3D electroactive scaffolds for cell culture combining both electrical and mechanical stimulation. Such materials will be elaborated first from highly porous polyHIPE structures. A conducting polymer will be embedded into this matrix by oxidative chemical vapor phase polymerization of corresponding monomer.
  • To functionalize these scaffolds with adhesive ECM glycoproteins for displaying controlled properties and signal dynamic of in vivo cell environments. The cells responses to such ECM- containing scaffolds will be then studied.
  • To establish the proof of the concept of using such a device for drug response screening, firstly focusing on anticancer drug response, especially of ovarian cancer metastasis by tuning the scaffold to model their peritoneum implantation site, which displays in vivo dynamic resulting from breathing, digestion, and bodily movements.
    Thereafter, capitalizing on the acquired know-how, the 3D electoactive scaffold features as well as its ECM functionalization will be adapted to varied cell types in regard with the desired drug assays

Candidate Profile

  • PhD in Polymer Chemistry or biomaterials


  • Relevant research experience and demonstrated competencies in polymer and material
    synthesis. Experience in biomaterials and cell culture would be an asset
  • Track record of researcher dissemination including peer-reviewed publications
  • Ready to work according to best chemical or biology laboratory practices including lab safety.
  • Excellent project management, analytical, and report writing skills.
  • Excellent communication skills (oral, written, presentation).
  • Demonstrated ability to generate new ideas, concepts, models and solutions.
  • Collaborative skills, initiative, result oriented, organization, and capacity to work in an
    interdisciplinary environment.


  • French and/or English


  • less than 6 months in France since the last 3 years.


[1] Jebsen N. L. et al. Biomarker Panels and Contemporary Practice in Clinical Trials of Targeted Therapy. in Biomarkers of the Tumor Microenvironment. 2017
[2] Knight at al. J Anat. (2015), 227(6): 746–756.
[3] Moglia R.S. et al. Biomacromolecules (2014), 15, 2870−2878.
[4] McGann C.L. et al. Polymer (2017), 126, 408-418
[5] Kofron et al. J Physiol (2017), 595(12), 3891-3905.
[6] Aznar-Cervantes et al. Materials Science and Engineering: C (2017), 79, 315-325
[7] Zhang et al. Macromolecular Bioscience (2017) 17(9), 1700147
[8] Otero et al. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 2069–2085
[9] Kerr-Phillips et al. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015,3, 4249-4258
[10] Kerr-Phillips et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 100, 549-555, ISSN 0956-5663
[11] Gelmi et al. Adv. Healthcare Mater.2016, 5, 1471–1480

Offre de thèse au sein de l’équipe « Biocéramiques » de l’IRCER, UMR CNRS 7315 à l’Université de Limoges

Le sujet porte sur la « MISE EN PLACE D’UN MODÈLE BIOLOGIQUE DE CARACTÉRISATION _IN VITRO_ DES PROPRIÉTÉS ANGIOCONDUCTRICES ET ANGIOGÉNIQUES DE CÉRAMIQUES PHOSPHOCALCIQUES ». L’étudiant.e sera inscrit.e à l’École Doctorale n°609 Sciences et Ingénierie des Matériaux, Mécanique, Énergétique – SIMME de l’Université de Limoges.

Cette thèse sera effectuée au sein de l’équipe « Biocéramiques » de l’IRCER (Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques [1]), UMR CNRS 7315 à l’Université de Limoges.

L’étudiant.e recherché.e sera titulaire d’un Master 2 Recherche, préférentiellement dans le domaine des Sciences de la Vie et plus particulièrement avec une spécialisation en biologie cellulaire et moléculaire. Il.Elle devra être sensibilisé.e au domaine des biomatériaux et devra être à même de travailler en équipe pluridisciplinaire.

Le candidat doit être autonome et doit avoir acquis une expérience en biologie cellulaire et moléculaire. Une bonne maîtrise des techniques de culture cellulaire et d’analyse du phénotype et des fonctions cellulaires est souhaitée.

Contacts (renseignements et candidature) : Amandine Magnaudeix et Eric
Champion ( ; )

PhD position in biochemistry : Design and investigation of adhesive proteins

Keywords: biomimicry, protein self-assembly, adhesion, surfaces.

  • Context and mission

In our daily lives, all conventional man-made adhesives are petrochemical products, which are toxic for the body and show limited efficiency in wet conditions, major drawbacks for biomaterials. In this project, we aim at producing adhesives effective in air and/or in wet conditions inspired by natural glues of some arthropods. This approach using simplified mimics of biological adhesives will facilitate better understanding of systems from which they are derived and could find applications in medicine as well as in biotechnology and industry.

Adhesive proteins of some arthropods have been identified. For these animals, the adhesion mechanism seems to be related to protein self-assembly on the surface. The molecular basis of this process has been elucidated by our team but its mechanisms remain to be elucidated. The goal of the PhD project is to produce adhesive proteins mimicking the natural one, to investigate the self-assembly process of these proteins and their adsorption/adhesion on materials. To achieve this goal, the project will involve a genetic engineering strategy, protein characterization approaches using biophysics and microscopies.

  • Candidate profile

We look for a highly motivated candidate with a strong knowledge in biochemistry, biophysics and/or in material science. The student should be able to work in a team, have very good writing skills (report, presentation…) and good knowledge of at least one of the language used in the lab: French, English.

  • The Laboratory and the team

The project will take place within “Equipe de Recherche sur les Relations Matrice Extracellulaire- Cellules” (ERRMECE: EA1391) from Cergy-Pontoise University (, in collaboration with the “Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique”(LMGP: UMR 5628) in the Grenoble Institute of Technology (, known worldwide for its expertise in material science.

The ERRMECE lab is composed of 18 staff members and is organized in three research groups:

– BioSan: this team works on biomatrerials, especially on layer by layer films and interpenetrated network technologies;

– BCMI: this team works on microbial biofilms and anti-fouling strategies;

– MecUp: this team works on human extracellular matrix in physico-pathological contexts. Hence the lab has extensive expertise in the study of different extracellular matrices, on their composition and function, in relationships with cells and the functionalization of materials. The PhD project proposes new “matrix-like” models for the ERRMECe lab and will reinforce the axis on protein- material interactions by the collaboration with the LMGP.

  • Contact

Charlotte Vendrely, Uni. de Cergy-Pontoise, ERRMECe ;

The position is available for 3 years starting from: October 1, 2019.

Application dead-line is: May 17, 2019.

Université de Cergy-Pontoise, EA 1391,
Equipe de Recherche sur les Relations Matrice Extracellulaire-Cellules-ERRMECe
Groupe MEC-uP
Maison Internationale de la Recherche Rue Descartes
95031 Neuville sur Oise Cedex France

Appel à candidatures Bourses ESDR 2019 – DEADLINE LE 30 AVRIL

La SFD a créé trois bourses de 1.500,00 euros pour financer la participation de jeunes dermatologues ou chercheurs au congrès de l’European Society for Dermatological Research.

Le prochain congrès « ESDR 2019 » aura lieu du 18 au 21 septembre 2019, à Bordeaux.

Vous trouverez ici un dossier de candidature pour cette bourse. Elle est réservée à un(e) jeune dermatologue, CCA ou interne ayant une communication orale ou affichée acceptée au congrès 2019, ou à un jeune chercheur médecin ou scientifique, participant, ou ayant participé à des projets de recherche en dermatologie, de moins de 35 ans, et ayant une bonne connaissance de l’anglais.

Les dossiers sont à renvoyer avant le 30 avril 2019 à Madame Anne-Laure Geoffroy, par mail, ou par courrier : Bourses ESDR 2019, Maison de la Dermatologie, 10 Cité Malesherbes, 75009 Paris.

Professeur Marie BEYLOT-BARRY
Présidente de la SFD

Société Française de Dermatologie

Maison de la Dermatologie
10, Cité Malesherbes
75009 Paris FRANCE

INSERM international Workshop on GlycosaminoGlycans , Bordeaux, 19-21th of June 2019

Dulce Papy Garcia (Gly-CRRET, UPEC, Créteil) and Romain Vives (IBS, Grenoble) are glad to invite you to participate to the next INSERM (French national institute for Health Sciences) international workshop on Glycosaminoglycans that will take place in Bordeaux, on the 19-21th of June 2019.

The goal of this workshop is to put an emphasis on the technological developments and breakthroughs that led to progress in the understanding of GAG structure and biological functions, as well as the perspectives of applications in diagnostics and therapy.

The workshop will include 4 main sessions focusing on :

  • GAG Biosynthesis and Metabolism

Confirmed speakers : L. Kjellen (Uppsala Univ., Uppsala, Sweden) – L. Pedersen (South Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill, USA) – A. Malmström (Lund Univ., Lund, Sweden) – R. Vivès (IBS, Grenoble, France) – S. Fournel Gigleux (Nancy Univ., Nancy, France)

  • GAG-protein interactions and physiophatological conditions

Confirmed speakers : H. Lortat-jacob (IBS, Grenoble, France) – A. Vortkamp (Essen Univ., Essen, Germany) – D. Papy-Garcia (Université Paris Est, Créteil, France) – J. van den Born, (Groningen Univ., Groningen, The Netherlands) – P. Nieto (Spanish National Research Council, Sevilla, Spain)

  • Technological and methodological approaches for GAG analysis

Confirmed speakers : T. van Kuppevelt (Radboud Univ, Nijmegen, Pays-bas) – S. Ricard-Blum (Université de Lyon I, Lyon, France) – D. Bonnaffé (ICMMO, Orsay, France) – F. Noborn (Gothenburg Univ., Gothenbur, Sweden)

  • GAGs : from bench to bedside

Confirmed speakers : P. Albanese (Université Paris Est, Créteil, France) – Yongmei Xu (South Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill, USA) – F. Chiapini (OTR3, Paris, France)

Registration are open (deadline 15/04) and all details can be found on: Atelier INSERM 256


Dear colleagues,

The special issue given below is online.
Thanks to the contributions by well known authors in the field,  another key area of matrix biology has been published.
Many thanks to editor-in-chief Renato Iozzo for giving us the  opportunity and his great support during all steps of this endeavor !

I hope it will be a useful for your future research.
All the best

Matrix Biology
Volume 75, Pages 1-330, January 2019
Matrix Modeling and Remodeling
Edited by Nikos Karamanos